Full offer of products and equipment from HYDROBIOS and KC-DENMARK:
- PLANKTON NETS: Multinet, Bongo net, WP2 net, Apstein nets, MANTA net
- WATER SAMPLERS: Multi water samplers (rosette systems), Integrated Water Samplers, Niskin, Free low, Limnos, Ruttner
- MICROPLASTIC: MANTA net, Microplastic Sediment Separator (MPSS)
- SEDIMENT SAMPLERS: Corer, Kajak, Multicorer
- BOTTOM SAMPLERS: Ekman, Van Veen, Kajak, Corer, Multicorer, Bottom dredges
- PLANKTON EXAMINATION: Combined Plate Chamber, Tubular Plankton Chamber, Counting Chambers
- WINCHES: Hand winch, Motor winch
and more... from Wildlife Acoustics (SM3, SM4, SM3BAT, SM4BAT, SM3M, SM4M) and SAIV CTD probes....
Please contact us for offers and product description.